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Clinical Trial 37271

Spokane, WA 99204


Do you or your child have cataracts in both eyes?

If so, you might be interested in a voluntary observational research study for people who were diagnosed with cataracts in both eyes at a young age.

This study involves no medication.

Who can participate?

You or your child may be able to participate in the study if you:

  • Have cataracts in both eyes
  • Have no known cause for your cataracts
  • Were between the ages of 2 and 21 at the time cataracts were diagnosed

Before choosing to participate in a clinical research study you can speak to your doctor to find out more information about clinical research.

Clinical trials are medical research studies designed to test the safety and/or effectiveness of new investigational drugs, devices, or treatments in humans. These studies are conducted worldwide for a range of conditions and illnesses. Learn more about clinical research and participating in a study at About Clinical Trials.