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Study summary

Study 46486 Flyer

If you or a family member have bladder cancer, you may want to consider the LUMINOS-103 study.

What is the purpose of LUMINOS-103?

LUMINOS-103 will explore if an investigational drug called PVSRIPO is safe and effective in people with bladder cancer.

What is the investigational medication?

PVSRIPO is a modified version of the poliovirus vaccine, which is given to children throughout the world for the prevention of poliomyelitis (polio). These changes ensure PVSRIPO cannot cause polio but can still attack cancer cells. PVSRIPO can attach to and enter tumor cells to cause damage and activate an anti-tumor immune response to help eliminate the cancer cells.

Who can participate in LUMINOS-103?

You may be eligible to participate in the study if you:
  • Are ≥ 18 years of age at the time of entry into the study
  • Have been diagnosed with bladder cancer, and have
    • bladder cancer only in your bladder and are planning to have a cystectomy (a surgery to remove your bladder), or
    • metastatic bladder cancer, meaning the cancer has spread outside of the bladder and you have a tumor within the bladder that is safe to inject

Learn more about LUMINOS-103

Study is available at

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