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Clinical Trial 40770

Raleigh, NC 27527


Gastroparesis making you miss pieces of your life?

Learn more about the avanzar study.

Nausea, vomiting or feeling full quickly after eating?

If you have gastroparesis and you experience nausea, vomiting or belly pain after meals, sitting down to a meal might not always be a joyful experience. This means you may need a different approach to your gastroparesis treatment.

If you have diagnosed or suspected gastroparesis (diabetic or idiopathic) and are between 18 and 85 years of age, you may be able to take part in the avanzar clinical research study.

At the start of the treatment period, participants will randomly (by chance) receive either:

  • The investigational study medication, at one of three doses (a 75% chance)
  • A placebo (a 25% chance)

Qualified Participants Must:

• Be diagnosed or suspected gastroparesis (diabetic or idiopathic)
• Be between 18 and 85 years of age
*Other qualifications apply

Qualified Participants May Receive:

  • Study-related medication at no cost
  • Study-related exams at no cost
  • You may receive compensation for time and travel

Clinical trials are medical research studies designed to test the safety and/or effectiveness of new investigational drugs, devices, or treatments in humans. These studies are conducted worldwide for a range of conditions and illnesses. Learn more about clinical research and participating in a study at About Clinical Trials.