Clinical Trial 42714

Salt Lake City, UT 84123


Seeking healthy volunteers age 65+

    Respiratory Syncytial Virus, or RSV, is a common virus but much more than a cold. It can be serious for babies and older adults with health conditions. Researchers are testing investigational vaccines that may protect against RSV and they need healthy volunteers age 65+. Not available from your regular doctor.

    Research studies are an important part of developing potential future treatment options. Without them, progress in medicine would not be possible. Right now, doctors are looking for healthy adults age 65+ to participate in local RSV vaccine research studies.

    Those who qualify may receive: *
    • Payment up to $650, which varies by study
    • No-cost study-related care from local doctors
    • No-cost study medication

    * In a research study, the participants may receive investigational study product or may receive an inactive substance, or placebo, depending on the study design. Participants receive study-related care from a doctor/research team for the duration of the study. For studies that offer compensation, reasonable payments will be made for participation. The length of the study may vary.

    Clinical trials are medical research studies designed to test the safety and/or effectiveness of new investigational drugs, devices, or treatments in humans. These studies are conducted worldwide for a range of conditions and illnesses. Learn more about clinical research and participating in a study at About Clinical Trials.